Research Projects

MGCOHA faculties and students actively engaged in three ongoing interdisciplinary research initiatives that hold significant promise for the healthcare industry.

These encompass the study of transactional leadership styles of physicians, medication errors assessment and an exploration of the financial literacy of doctors.

S. No Research Projects Principal Investigator IEC Approved Status
1. Transactional Styles of Medical Educators and Medical Students: An Analytical Study of Symbiotic Perspectives and Prospects Dr. Tanjul Saxena Yes/MGUMST Ongoing
2. Financial literacy and medical professionals: investigating the influence of financial knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. Dr. J Shanmugapriya Yes/MGUMST Ongoing
3. Optimizing Medication Safety in Obstetrics Department through Six Sigma: A Comprehensive Analysis of Medication Errors at a Tertiary Care Hospital Dr. J Shanmugapriya Yes/MGUMST Ongoing
4. Applications, Innovations, Challenges and Bridging the gaps in Infection control and BMW management in Blood center- An Observational study. Dr. Neeti Sharma and Ms. Geetika Goswami Yes/MGUMST Completed